Ms. Herche: The Legacy She Leaves Behind

Ms. Herche and The Gibbons Globe staff

Ms. Herche and The Gibbons Globe staff

Reagan Tomczak

The Cathedralite. Veritas. The Cardinal Times. The Crusader. The Gibbons Globe. 

Though all very different, these five student newspapers have all shared a similar value: student voice. It’s no question that our society has become practically unidentifiable after decades of technological and social developments, but this core value has defined the Cardinal Gibbons’ newspaper since the beginning of it all.

The school’s first student newspaper began in 1937, with its oldest recorded copies dating back to 1947. Since then, the student newspaper has had numerous changes. In recent years, one of the newspaper’s most substantial changes has taken place, all thanks to one educator: Ms. Nicole Herche. 

Ms. Herche has worked as a lead educator in the Cardinal Gibbon’s English department for ten years now. You may know her for her work on the Repeater Art + Literary magazine, Creative Writing Club, or her most recent project–a reboot of Cardinal Gibbons’ student newspaper–The Gibbons Globe.

Ms. Herche noticed an absence of student voice in the Cardinal Gibbons community. “I noticed there was a gap,” Ms. Herche said. “I felt like students needed someplace where they could share their own perspective about what’s happening on campus.” Over the past two years, Ms. Herche has successfully filled that gap. 

The creation of an entire SNO website was not an easy task. This website, which uses WordPress, was chosen for a very specific purpose. “I wanted the web design to be simple,” Ms. Herche said. “Through the program we chose, students can interact with the back-end of the newspaper, and won’t be so dependent upon the moderator, administrator, to do every step of that back-end side.” 

Two years of work later, Cardinal Gibbons proudly presents its first-ever, student-run, digital newspaper.

But all good things must come to an end. Ms. Herche will begin her newest quest next year, moving out of the country with her husband and children to experience the wonders of London. She will be dearly missed by all class and club members.

But what happens next? What will happen to The Gibbons Globe without Ms. Herche’s leadership? That’s where Mr. J. Mike Blake comes in.

Before coming to Cardinal Gibbons, Mr. Blake worked for many years as a journalist at WRAL Newsroom where he wrote numerous articles for their website: HighSchoolOT. He later worked at the Cary News, covering high school sports for a decade. With many years of experience, it’s clear to all that Ms. Herche is leaving the newspaper in good hands.

Though bittersweet, reflecting back on the newspaper’s evolution reminds us all that this paper is a process. Whether Ms. Herche or Mr. Blake is the head of The Gibbons Globe, the spirit of the newspaper will live on.

As Herche passes the reins to Mr. Blake, we smile at the work she has done, knowing that Mr. Blake’s excitement and dedication will allow the newspaper to thrive.