Expressing Yourself

Laptop Stickers

Lauren Schaefer

Laptop stickers are really popular at Gibbons

Lauren Schaefer and Lily Sharon

There are many things people use to express themselves. Many people pick out different types of clothing to exhibit their personality, choose different hairstyles, use actions or words, and even objects. One object in particular that many students use to express themselves: laptop stickers. You can choose from any style or symbol, the possibilities are endless. Laptop stickers can represent your personality, ideas, and occupation. Cardinal Gibbons High School is a private school that requires a uniform. Our uniforms prevent communication of one’s personal self. So instead, we can show ourselves through stickers.

Said a sophomore here at Gibbons: “I love laptop stickers because they let you express yourself!” 

On my laptop, there are many stickers filling almost every space on the back of the screen. Many people come up to me and ask me where I got them or why I have them. Having laptop stickers is not only a great way to express yourself but is also a great iceberg in meeting people you don’t know and getting to know them further. If you ask someone about their stickers, the stickers could represent a deeper meaning that introduces their lifestyle, and that can lead to further conversations.

Laptop stickers are similar to bumper stickers, which have for years been a growing controversy. People like the ability to express themselves, but it is not always accepted by everyone. It is critical to recognize other people’s feelings when choosing to use laptop stickers. Some stickers can be controversial and hurt people’s feelings, there are ways to express yourself without putting others down. It is important to keep the stickers positive, especially in a school environment. 

The main reason stickers are constantly seen as controversial, is because they are political. Politics have always been controversial, everyone has their own opinion and they are often far from others. It is useful to know the reasons you are choosing specific stickers. Decide whether you are doing this to put people down, or to express yourself and spread positivity. 

Want to share a picture of your laptop stickers? Upload it to the form HERE.