From ‘The Cathedralite’ to ‘The Gibbons Globe’: A History and Personal Retrospective on The Gibbons Paper

Honora Quinn

Honora Quinn, Senior Editor

I’ve worked on the newspaper this 2022-23 school year and I have learned a great deal about what goes into the interworkings of the class and club.

Since 1937 there have been 5 iterations of the student lead paper at Gibbons.

The Cathedralite:


Publication of the first school newspaper begins. Called “The Cathedralite” it published first four times a year, and then as time went on it started to publish monthly. The earliest copy in school archives dates to 1947 but the first issues of this paper came out in 1937.

Honora Quinn













With the new building, and a new name – came the start of many new traditions. “The Cathedralite” newspaper was renamed “Veritas” (truth) which had been the previous school motto: “Veritas Vincit Omnia” (truth conquers all things). The new school motto became “Cum Deo Omnia Possum” (In God, All Things Possible)

Honora Quinn















The Cardinal Times:


The school had been closed for a year after the departure of the Dominican Nuns and after reopening the paper got a rebrand. And was re-born as “The Cardinal Times.”

Honora Quinn










The Crusader:


With the arrival of the Franciscan Brothers, the newspaper undergoes a makeover and is published as “The Crusader” and continues to be published under that name for 26 years. The Crusader technically ended in 2022 despite no issues of the paper being published since 2019 but it was definitely the end of an era. Up until now if you were to ask almost anyone about the paper they would say it was called the Crusader.

Honora Quinn











The Gibbons Globe:


The current iteration of the paper here are Gibbons is exclusively online. While the website launched in the 2022-23 school year the groundwork was being laid for this newspaper late last year. The staff that was worked on this paper has grown quite close and I am grateful for the group of people I have worked with this year.

The Gibbons Globe at Gibbons has only begun and I know the remaining staff is going to do great things.

My time as the history editor of the paper allowed me to connect with the decades of work that had lead to the creation and reinvention of the paper at Gibbons and made me even more excited to be a part of this new chapter.


The Gibbons Globe Staff (Lori Giannaccini)