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The Deeper Meaning Behind “The Brittany” Soccer Tournament

The Deeper Meaning Behind "The Brittany" Soccer Tournament

What looks to an outsider like a simple high school soccer showcase, “The Brittany” is more than just a bunch of games between competing schools. 

This event honors the memory of Brittany Willis, a bright and promising young woman, soccer player, daughter, and friend. A girl whose life was tragically cut short. 

On June 28, 2004, Brittany Willis was kidnapped from a store in her hometown Wilson, N.C. and taken to a field where she became a victim of horrific, random violence.

She was 17 years old when she died. 

This past Friday, Cardinal Gibbons participated in the 19th annual Brittany T. Willis Memorial Scholarship Soccer Showcase.

Upon arriving at Wilson, the Cardinal Gibbons women’s soccer team stayed in the bus.

A woman, one of Brittany’s very own teammates from Hunt High School, stepped on and started speaking.

After sharing personal stories of Brittany’s life, like her bubbly personality and the rides home she would give the younger class, the woman shared useful and imperative safety tips, specifically for women.

These acts of violence that are heard about so often, on the news and far away, are almost always pushed aside. 

There on the bus, listening to someone who knew Brittany, Gibbons women’s soccer understood the gravity and effects of the too-common acts of violence that occur in our world.

Originating in 2005, a year after Brittany Willis’ death, the first “Brittany” had a total of 13 teams. 

March of 2025 saw a total of 85 teams competing at Gillette Fields in Wilson, N.C., Brittany’s hometown.

Yes, these games are competitive and often between rival high schools. However, all players know “The Brittany” is something so much bigger than the result of a game. 

At the end of the game, a Sportsmanship Award is presented to one player from each team.

Sophia Juhasz (class of 2028) has taken home the Sportsmanship Award the last two years, showing that good character is the biggest takeaway upon encountering others. 

The award, in the form of a soccer ball, is given by Brittany’s dad, Randy. 

Brittany’s legacy and memory will never be forgotten; it’s impossible with the lasting effect “The Brittany” has on every participant.

Cardinal Gibbons women’s soccer will continue to honor Brittany’s memory at this event every year by playing the sport she loved, and remembering the importance of women’s safety.


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About the Contributor
Molly McCurdy
Molly McCurdy, Reporter
Hi everybody! My name is Molly McCurdy and I am a sophomore. I am so excited to start my first year at Gibbons Journalism and Reporting. I am looking forward to contribute to the Gibbons Globe and improve my writing skills throughout this year.