Gibbons offers a variety of electives in a wide range of subjects. Although there are many amazing subjects to choose from, many decided to stick with the same subject again.
Kira White (class of 2027) is taking Art 2 Honors, which is a continuation of Art 1. Although there are other courses she could have taken a class in such as drama, dance, or music, she chose to take art.
When White took Art 1 during her freshman year, she says there were many more guidelines and restrictions. She also learned the basic techniques and fundamentals which she now incorporates into her projects this year, unlike last year, she says that she has experienced more freedom and creativity.
“I wanted to continue with this class, so I could improve my artistic skills in a variety of mediums,” White said. “I enjoy the creative freedom and ability to bounce ideas off the teacher.”
Next year, she will not be taking an art class.
“I am not taking this class next year because we can only take AP 2D and I have the ability to take more sciency electives like forensics and biotechnology,” says White.
“I would recommend this class to others because you have much more creative freedom and ability to choose assignments you want to do,” said White.
Elena Hall (class of 2027) is taking Drama 2 Honors. She took Drama 1 her freshman year.
Visual Art is different from Drama, but White and Hall decided to take theirs again.
“I was surprised. It’s a really nice space to be able to do drama-ing. I like everything we do. It feels very fun. Especially projects with other people because you get to see other peoples’ take for the prompts,” Hall said.
Hall describes her class as mostly acting, and working on the different acting skills. Currently, they’re doing their voice lessons, but the last project was when they had to voice over a clip from a cartoon. However, the class focuses on different aspects of drama in general.
While White is not going to take art again next year, Hall is able to take drama again during her junior year.
“I like the class in general. It’s a nice way to be able to relax from all the rest of school. It brings an amount of fun that might not have been there that day. Wow, I feel like I enjoyed that elective more than I would like another elective if I decided to take it,” said Hall.
Hall recognizes how she has grown ever since she started out during her freshman year.
“Last year I was definitely a lot more nervous to do it in front of people. but I feel like this year I’m a lot less nervous. I put myself out there more,” said Hall.
Unlike her first year, Drama 2 Honors is more about applying the skills that they have learned.
Hall has enjoyed this class and recommends others to take it as well.
“They shouldn’t take it just because they feel like it’ll be something easy for them to do, but if they enjoy acting, (then this class would be a good choice). You have to be able to talk in front of their people. My class is quite small, compared to other classes, so it’s nice because they’ve gotten to get to know the people there. It’s like a comfortable space for work. So, I would say, yeah, if you enjoy it, take it, but if you don’t enjoy it just don’t take it because you think it’s gonna be an easy A,” said Hall.
Many students at Gibbons have enjoyed their electives that they decided to take it again, so don’t be afraid to explore the many classes here at school.