On Feb. 9, Mr. Mark DeLaRosa and his students visited Temple Beth Or, a Jewish temple in Raleigh. It was the 20th year that Mr. DeLaRosa has been offering this amazing experience.
The Cardinal Gibbons community had the opportunity to share the Shabbat tradition with the people of the Jewish temple. Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest, and it symbolizes that God rested on the seventh day of the creation story.
The group was also fortunate to be present on Family Night, and the temple invited their K-2 group to attend with their families. The children had a great time performing the songs they had prepared and joining along with the prayers and songs.
After the gathering had been completed, a member of Temple Beth Or helped guide us through our experience up to the Tabernacle. This humongous ark was the keeping place of several different Torah scrolls. We were even lucky enough to get up close and see a scroll, and what the writing looked like.
After the festivities seemed to be complete, we were invited to join the community for snacks and punch.
“After Shabbat services, you have what’s called the Onig. It’s a community event where you’re sharing all kinds of treats, but it’s meant to bring people together to have conversations,” said DeLaRosa.
While people of the Catholic faith may think that attending a service at a Jewish temple is going against their religion, that could not be more false. It brings us closer to our faith.
“There is a myth that studying somebody else’s faith somehow diminishes your own. That is false. In fact, the opposite is true.” said DeLaRosa. “When you are open, it doesn’t diminish your faith. I’m a better Catholic because I understand the roots of our faith.”
The night was certainly one to remember, and a once in a lifetime experience for most of us.