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Why we celebrate Catholic Schools Week each year

Why we celebrate Catholic Schools Week each year

Catholic Schools Week is a special time for Catholic schools around the world. It is a time to come together as a community and celebrate through different activities and many students and teachers here at Cardinal Gibbons participate in these activities. 

Ms. Meredith McElroy, a spiritual life educator, has had a huge part in Catholic Schools Week.

“It’s to celebrate the importance of Catholic education and to highlight the opportunity that the students and educators and families of the community have by being in a Catholic school,” she said.

Many Catholic Schools Week participate in this week. Every year it changes with what is specifically celebrated. 

“Each year a theme is put out for the week, and different focuses. We try to be inline with that and be inline with the community,” McElroy said. 

Every year it can be different, which is what makes this week so special. 

Although the activities during the week can change, one always stays the same. 

“This year for Catholic schools week we had all school mass, which happens every year. The bishop usually comes and we celebrate the school community and some educators who have been here for a while. This year that educator was Mr. Blanton, he’s been working here for 15 years,” McElroy said. 

This week is also a time to look at our faith. Here at Gibbons, we may do that in many different ways, including four retreats that happened over that week. 

“We also do a lot of day to day activities, like teacher appreciation monday, a student sweet treat friday, and many more,” McElroy said.  

Gibbons gives everyone a chance to celebrate this week together. This week is a way to celebrate all Catholic schools, together as a community. 

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About the Contributor
Callie Taylor
Callie Taylor, Reporter
My name is Callie, and I’m a sophomore. I’m excited for this class and all the things I’m going to learn!