The guys and girls fall retreats were a massive success for Cardinal Gibbons during this school year, according to multiple leaders that were on the retreats. Unlike freshman retreats, these retreats have a main theme to them that is tied back to growing your faith.
This year, the guys retreat theme was a playbook for Christian men, a play on words relating back to sports playbooks. Freshmen and sophomores focused on creating their “playbooks,” or rather how they could grow a relationship with God while in high school. They focused on what maturing boys need “on their playbook,” or rather how they can grow a relationship with God while in high school.
While this retreat definitely was meant for Spiritual Life, boys will be boys, and there was a competing aspect to the retreat. The guys played games, ran around outside, and had a lot of fun. This allowed them to disconnect from their school lives, and gave them a much-needed break.
The girls retreat focused a lot on identity: what it means to be strong and independent in high school, as well as who God calls you to be.
The focus of the retreat was wellness. Some examples included mental, physical, emotional wellness, which also tied into virtues, and making sure to represent high morality as a Cardinal Gibbons student.
“A lot of girls signed up to come on girls’ retreat, and they didn’t know other people they were going with,” Ms. Meredith McElroy said. “So it was really great to see once they were in their small groups they just gelled and connected with the other girls they were with.”
A concept that seemed to arise at every guys and girls retreat was the bonding of friends who previously did not know each other. Every year, people sign up for these retreats, and come back with some of their best friends they’ve ever met.
These retreats are much more than just growing your faith, even though that is a big part. Friendships are formed and evolutions are rooted into young men and women as they continue to grow through high school. Cardinal Gibbons students and educators would highly recommend that you sign up and experience this amazing time growing in faith and so much more.