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Column: Do We Have Any Time Left for God? Why You Should Focus on Faith

Short Journey Retreat
Short Journey Retreat
Darsey Williams

It’s been nearly half a quarter since summer parted and we stepped back into these hectic halls we know all too well. 

Only a few weeks ago, we were sleeping until 10 a.m., and now that period is taken up by Pre-Calc. Instead of lying by the pool for as long as we please, we have a test in AP US History. And as our homework stack grows higher and higher, so does our stress and we can lose sight of what matters most – the reason we’re called to be here. 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

While summer is in full bloom, the second week of August is lurking in the background, waiting. And before we know it “The First Day of School” reappears on your calendar and everything hits you again at full speed. Between all your classes, you barely have time for yourself, friends, and doing the things you love. 

After all of that, do we have any time left for God? 

“It’s not an obstacle to getting things done, it’s actually a huge help to not ‘go crazy’ with all the stress of life, just to remember: what’s the point of all this anyways?” said Fr. Luke.  

With every priority there is to balance, it might feel impossible to squeeze one more in. But without God, your stress is only going to grow. 

Finding time to have a relationship with Him doesn’t have to be “spending hours at the chapel.” It’s as simple as a quick prayer on your way to class or going to morning mass once a week. Setting aside small moments throughout your day for God saves you time in the long run with battling your anxieties.

“He desires your success, he desires your happiness, He desires for you to have meaningful friendships and relationships. So all these things we might be tempted to put above Him, we put Him first, He actually gives that all to us, because He loves you,” Fr. Luke added.

Creating a routine that includes God is the key to success. 

You could have all the money, success, and friends in the world, and still not feel totally fulfilled or satisfied,”  said Fr. Luke. “But you bring God into that and your search for happiness and success, bring God into that and let him walk with you, and everything every day takes on a new meaning.”

So, what it’s going to take for you to stop and make the time?

Five years from now when you have no idea what you want to do with your life?

Twenty years from now, when you’re stuck with a job that makes you unhappy?

Thirty years from now, when you’re surrounded by people that make you feel alone?

Instead of waiting until an all-time low or a mid-life crisis, bring God into your life now. Save yourself from the struggle and pain because life is too short.

“Just stop and ask what I want my friendship with God to look like,” said Fr. Luke. “Do I want it to be something I only go to Him when I’m at rock bottom and need a miracle? Or is it something where I have a friendship with Him, where I feel like he’s close to me?” 

Fr. Luke didn’t always know he wanted to be a priest. Studying architecture at the University of Texas, he felt something was missing. He realized that it wasn’t his calling. He asked God and God answered, guiding him to priesthood. This is his third year as a priest at Gibbons, guiding students every day to find that missing piece – the one only God can give. 

Having a relationship with God is refreshingly simple. 

Start with daily prayer. 

Go to morning mass. 

Gibbons offers an endless source of opportunities to deepen your faith. There are retreats, weekly mass, Encounter with Christ (Bible study) every Wednesday morning, confession, adoration, and service opportunities.

We’re all here on Earth for a relationship with God. 

He made us for that reason. 

So, when you start living his message, your anxieties and problems will feel so much lighter and your load will also be His. 

“You’re a child of God, you’re on this planet for a reason,” Fr. Luke said. “Each day becomes that adventure of, ‘What is my purpose?’ and ‘How am I called out today to live that purpose?’ Something I think is huge for high schoolers, is to realize I’m not alone, so I truly believe that God is with me all the time, I can go through anything, and I can face any challenge. You’re never alone, you’re so loved, and God is your greatest friend.”

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About the Contributor
Charlotte Leach
Charlotte Leach, Faith/Community Editor
Hi! My name is Charlotte and I am a Junior. This is my second year working on the Gibbons Globe. I have always had a love for writing, and being on the Gibbons Globe only made me love it more! I can't wait to share some stories and embark on this new year of journalism. Happy reading!