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Start Your Morning Off Right with Morning Mass

Start Your Morning Off Right with Morning Mass

What is the first thing you do in the morning? 

Scrolling on TikTok, some last minute homework, or rushing to get to school at the last minute, are all things that are probably on the top of most high school students’ lists. 

Although these are understandable and sometimes relatable ways to start your morning, these can tally up and become negative influences on your day. 

Cardinal Gibbons’ Morning Mass on Thursday and Friday is a powerful way to start your morning, providing students with the opportunity to hear God’s Word and receive Holy Eucharist before even going to class. 

A common stigma about Mass is that it can be boring, or time consuming, but in reality, it can be the highlight of your day. 

After interviewing several students and teachers that choose to start their day off with mass, there is a common factor. This factor is that they never regret doing it. 

“It’s just beautiful to have an hour to put aside in my day to spend that time with God,” said Connor Licht (class of 2027). “Going to Mass and receiving Eucharist…it makes the day worth something all of a sudden. It brings deeper meaning into my day.” 

The power of the Communion is something that can truly not be understated. By receiving God’s body and blood, his true soul and divinity, we receive an outpouring of God’s grace and love into us. 

Through attending morning mass, one can carry around this grace for the rest of their day, allowing God to stay present even in the midst of the business and stress of school. 

Psalm 150 exclaims, “Bring a joyful noise to the Lord!” 

The music ministry, led by Mr. Mark Delarosa truly encapsulates the truth behind this verse with their jubilant music played at every Mass. 

“We try to sing really joyful music, something that is engaging. Let’s wake up. Let’s have a good morning,” said Mr. Delarosa. 

The cheerful worship songs heard upon entering the chapel instantly provide a boost in spirit, as well as an outlet for giving praise and expressing gratitude to the Lord. Music Ministry helps the congregation at morning Mass to remember and bring into motion the well-known quote by St. Augustine, “Singing is praying twice.”

Psychologists have said that a positive and healthy start to a morning can “establish a sense of structure and stability in your life.” This Mass will do that for you. 

The Readings and Gospel, followed by Fr. Luke’s insightful homilies leave a long-lasting impact that will center and keep you grounded in your faith for the rest of the day and onwards. 

So set your alarm and join God and the Gibbons Community at 7:30 for the beautiful experience of Mass. 


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About the Contributors
Molly McCurdy
Molly McCurdy, Reporter
Hi everybody! My name is Molly McCurdy and I am a sophomore. I am so excited to start my first year at Gibbons Journalism and Reporting. I am looking forward to contribute to the Gibbons Globe and improve my writing skills throughout this year.
Lulu Marin
Lulu Marin, Reporter
Hi! My name is Lulu Marin and I am a sophomore. This is my first year writing for the Gibbons Globe and I am looking forward to learning more about journalism and improve my writing.