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Cardinal Gibbons College Commit Interview – Charlotte Bell

Cardinal Gibbons College Commit Interview - Charlotte Bell

According to USA Today, Cardinal Gibbons High School is the 14th-best high school for student-athletes in the country. With this comes a large amount of student-athletes who go on to compete in college. 

The Gibbons Globe sends out a questionnaire to our school’s commits to ask about their experience finding the right school and their recruiting process overall.


Charlotte Bell

Class of 2025 | Women’s Volleyball | Wofford College


Charlotte Bell is a senior at Cardinal Gibbons, currently committed to play women’s volleyball at Wofford College next year. Bell chose to play at Wofford College over schools such as Boston College, Lehigh, and Mississippi State because “It felt like home the second I stepped on campus and I loved the school, coaches, and the team” said Bell. She said Wofford felt like home the second she stepped on campus. The most important factors in Bell’s decision were “The school feeling right to me, the amount of playing time I would get as a freshman, the amount of money I received from the school” Bell said.

Bell says that Cardinal Gibbons provided her with a “good education”, helping her achieve her goal of going to a great university. Her favorite part of the recruiting process was waking up on June 15, which is the first legal day of direct recruiting contact from coaches, and seeing the amount of texts and emails she was receiving from prospective schools. 

One piece of advice she would give to other student-athletes in or going into the recruiting process is to “enjoy it, although it’s stressful it’s getting you where you need to go” said Bell.

Bell’s commitment has better prepared her for the future by giving her the goals she wants to reach and giving her something to work toward. In college, Bell looks forward to Playing college volleyball and meeting new friends. Good Luck, Charlotte!


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About the Contributors
Carter Tupis, Reporter
My name is Carter Tupis, and I am a sophomore. This is my first year joining the Gibbons Globe.
Maxwell Corin
Maxwell Corin, Reporter
My name is Maxwell Corin. I am a sophomore. This is my first year writing for the Gibbons Globe. I play football and lacrosse. I'm really excited to join the Gibbons globe this year and I hope to write about sports.