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Column: Finding Faith and Friends at Camp Crusader

Column: Finding Faith and Friends at Camp Crusader

This weekend at the football game I heard someone say, “Is that Madison?” Next thing I knew, I saw a group of eight girls running up to hug me. 

They were from Camp Crusader, where I was a counselor this past summer.

It was great to see the campers again and reminisce about the fun times we had together. 

Mrs. Sarah Kuszaj, one of the educators who runs the camp, said, “To be a role model for these kids and help them see someone they can aspire to be like when they are in high school.” 

Knowing that I have created this bond and relationships with them made my summer worthwhile.

Camp Crusader is a summer camp run by Gibbons for rising 4th-8th graders. It has been held for the past four summers and has been a “sleepaway” camp for the past three. Typically, there are around 25 campers and 12 counselors who are either Gibbons students or recent alumni heading off to college.

I had the opportunity and pleasure to be a counselor this past summer, and it was an experience of a lifetime. Learning new leadership skills, as well as kitchen management, and having an amazing time meeting new people and spending a week of fun with them. From counselors to campers, I came in knowing no one and left with new life long friendships and I’m greatly looking forward to returning this year. 

Before camp, I had never truly felt connected with God until that week. Every night we do vespers, an evening prayer or lesson connected to God, which tell us more about what Jesus would do and how we can apply His teachings to our lives. 

These moments of reflection and prayer with others who were experiencing the same fulfillment and love created by God made my summer complete. The serene environment of the camp, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, provided the perfect space for these spiritual moments. 

The people surrounding me had to be the best part. Everyday we would make new memories and connect with each other and the Lord every night. We supported each other in our spiritual journeys, shared personal stories, and grew together in our faith. This sense of community and shared purpose strengthened not only our individual relationships with God but also our bonds with each other.

Being a camp counselor can help incorporate the three pillars of Gibbons we strive to achieve daily. 

Camp signifies faith, but mainly camp helps create service. From helping with activities, to preparing meals, there is always something going on but it is worth every moment. This spirit of service extends beyond camp itself, as the skills and values learned are used in everyday life. Through these acts of service, counselors not only support the campers but also grow an understanding of what it means to be a servant leader in the outside world.

Lastly, the third pillar is leadership. Leadership is used all throughout camp and is a skill you add onto the whole week. Getting to know the campers and forming lasting relationships created an impact that changed peoples lives, making everything about camp worthwhile. 

My time as a counselor at Camp Crusader was transformative. 

It was not just about fun and games, but also about personal growth, leadership, and deepening my faith. The experience taught me valuable life skills, fostered lifelong friendships, and brought me closer to God. 

I am eagerly awaiting my return to camp, ready to experience another week of fun!

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About the Contributor
Madison Ebersole
Madison Ebersole, Senior Staff Reporter
Hi! My name is Madison Ebersole. I am a junior and this is my second year writing for the Gibbons Globe. I have always had a love for writing and would like to continue my skills by being a part of this community. So excited for this school year and the stories to come!