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Best Ways to ‘Spring Clean’ Your Mind!

Best Ways to 'Spring Clean' Your Mind!


Spring is a time for new beginnings. Flowers blossom. Trees are refreshed with new green leaves. Animals wake up from their winter slumber. Winter coats are retired to the attic and replaced with bathing suits. Cold spells are replaced with heat waves and everything becomes a little brighter. 


But this new season also brings… Spring Cleaning! 


It could be as simple as re-organizing crowded drawers, cleaning out your chaos-stricken closet, or even dusting out the dust bunnies from underneath your bed. But as dirty floors and window smudges are scrubbed away, who says other things can not be cleaned the  same way? This is the prime time for cleaning out bad habits and anything else you think would help start the sunny season on a better note. 


Spring Clean Your Mind!


Compress your Stress.


The end of the year can be stressful for everyone. Thanks to final exams and projects piling on, lack of stress is a rare sight. During this time, there are ways you can “destress your stress.” 


Habits, like creating productive study tactics and resisting procrastination, can be huge helpers. Personally, I feel the most stressed when I have a lot to do in a short period of time. I often procrastinate, which in the end only makes me feel more overwhelmed. 


Instead, if you lighten your workload a little each day, this can reduce stress. Practices such as mapping out a schedule and assigning certain tasks for each day can suppress procrastination. 


Another way you can destress your stress is through implementing self-care. After a long day, taking personal time to wind down is important to maintaining your mental health. Taking a bath, doing skincare, drawing, and other unrelated school activities can be relaxing and put you in a better mindset for not only the spring season but the whole year.


Steady your Sleep.


Sleep is a core necessity that everyone must have to survive. So why is it surprising when we don’t get enough of it and feel bad? A steadier sleep schedule can help your life in more than a few ways. Sleeping at least eight hours per night reduces the chances of you becoming sick, lessens stress, and helps you think more clearly. Developing this habit in your life can completely change the way you feel. Take this Spring season as a chance to put your poor sleep habits to rest!


Move it! 


Exercise can help you not only physically, but mentally too. Sometimes you may forget to exercise, especially if your sport isn’t in season and you have a lot on our plate. With that being said, if you take the time to work out a little bit each day the effects can be highly impactful. Exercise creates endorphins, which immediately positively benefit your mood. It can also reduce depression and anxiety as well as improve the health of your brain.


As we enter the spring season and get our homes ready for the next chapter, why not do the same for our minds? Introducing these three simple habits can be highly beneficial and make your spring even sunnier! 

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About the Contributor
Charlotte Leach
Hi! My name is Charlotte and I am a Junior. This is my second year working on the Gibbons Globe. I have always had a love for writing, and being on the Gibbons Globe only made me love it more! I can't wait to share some stories and embark on this new year of journalism. Happy reading!