It really is the most magical time of the year.
Fireplaces blaze in living rooms, Christmas trees light up the night in neighborhood windows, and smells of peppermint, pine, and freshly baked cookies float through your home.
City streets glow with sparkling lights and busy shoppers bustle about. With so much to do, between crafting your list for Santa and studying for midterms, we can forget why we have this holiday in the first place.
“We celebrate Christmas because we’re celebrating that moment of God taking on flesh, of Jesus being born,” Fr. Luke said.
On Christmas day, as many know, Jesus was born. This day marked the beginning of the religion we love so dearly. Christianity took on a new form – Jesus taught us to love and give, putting others first.
He later died for our sins, and our faith spread, giving everyone the chance to be forgiven.
I find myself obsessing over my Christmas list during the holiday season.
While there’s nothing wrong with cultivating a Canva presentation for your parents, we must remember where our priorities lie.
In a world where every week there’s a new sale we “can’t miss out on” or a new product someone tells us we “can’t live without,” it’s easy to be pulled in.
I love shopping as much as anyone, but Christmas is not about what tangible item you’ll get under your tree but what you can give to others.
“There’s more joy in giving than receiving. Make that special effort to give. It’s very easy to go out and spend your money but how else can you give? You can give your time or family attention by putting your phone away,” Fr. Luke said.
That is the best gift anyone could receive.
In a few years, the pants I wanted so badly, will make their way to the bottom of my drawer. In a few hours I won’t remember the dozens of TikToks I scrolled through when I could’ve been downstairs helping my dad make dinner.
But I’ll always remember the Christmas I spent being present with my loved ones. When you’re old and grey are you going to think about your Amazon wish list or the time you spent flipping through old photos with your grandmother?
The meaning of Christmas is putting yourself last by spending time with loved ones and finding ways to make their Christmas the most magical one yet.
If you have a Nativity Scene, sit in front of it and pray. Look at Jesus and look at yourself. See what you can do to bring His love your Christmas break but also every day of the year.
This Christmas, celebrate others. Celebrate your parents who have given you so much. Celebrate your friend who always wonders if you’re doing okay. And celebrate your grandparents who look forward to your calls every week.
Celebrate Jesus Christ and all the beautiful gifts He gave us.